Buddleja davidii Humdinger Orchid Annie

You will find this variety welcome in your sunny border because of its shorter stature and earlier blooming. 17 – 20cm orchid purple flowers appear above a neat mound of foliage. This free flowering variety will produce masses of flower power. The low, rounded, ball-shaped habit has medium green foliage.

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Buddleja (Butterfly Bush)

Family : Buddlejaceae

A range of summer flowering shrubs that have been prized for their rich flowering and ability to survive in the most difficult conditions. They act as a magnate for Bees and Butterflies. Modern hybrids are increasingly compact while retaining flower size making them more suitable for the smaller garden.

The word humdinger is defined as something that is very impressive or exciting. That word definitely applies to this new collection of Buddleja! This collection features five new varieties of Butterfly Bush, each blooming a few weeks earlier than the members of the MONARCH® Collection. In addition to blooming starting in midsummer, each of these varieties has a compact habit and shorter stature.

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Attracts Butterflies

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