Buddleja davidii Humdinger Magenta Munchkin

You’ll find this munchkin welcome in your sunny border because of its shorter stature and earlier blooming. 17 – 20cm fuchsia red flowers have lighter centres on each individual flower that look like eyes from afar. This free flowering variety will produce tons of flower panicles when in bloom. The low, rounded, ball-shaped habit has medium green foliage.

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Buddleja (Butterfly Bush)

Family : Buddlejaceae

A range of summer flowering shrubs that have been prized for their rich flowering and ability to survive in the most difficult conditions. They act as a magnate for Bees and Butterflies. Modern hybrids are increasingly compact while retaining flower size making them more suitable for the smaller garden.

The word “humdinger” is defined as “something that is very impressive or exciting.” That word definitely applies to this new collection of Buddleja! This collection features five new varieties of Butterfly Bush, each blooming a few weeks earlier than the members of the MONARCH® Collection. In addition to blooming starting in midsummer, each of these varieties has a compact habit and shorter stature.

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Attracts Butterflies







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