Our plant material
Optimal production is the key to profitable growing, and that means choosing the right plant material for your purpose. While bare roots are the best option for certain genera or pot sizes, plugs or unrooted cuttings give better results for others.
Walter Blom Plants BV’s herbaceous perennials are available as bare roots, unrooted cuttings, stage III tissue culture and in two sizes of plugs. To help you get the best results in the shortest time, our sales representatives will be pleased to assist you in choosing the right material for each of your variety selections. Whichever you grow, Walter Blom Plants BV assure you of healthy, well-prepared material that’s had the best possible start in life. Our plants are sourced from the world’s leading propagators and growers, who we continually monitor to ensure quality is upheld. Among these is Darwin Perennials, a US-based company that is one of the world’s most reputable suppliers. Produced in idyllic conditions at their nursery in Columbia, material from Darwin Perennials takes quality to a new level.
Product format
Virus indexed plants

Walter Blom Plants is committed to improving the Health Status of all the stock we have been selling since 2010. All varieties we introduce are tested for all viruses relevant to that Genus. We work with the NAKT in Holland to identify all viruses known to affect each Genus and test for those prior to build up our mother stock.
A virus indexed variety VIP in the catalogue is a variety that has been tested and deemed free of the viruses it was tested for up to the point of testing. We do not claim varieties are free of viruses we use the best knowledge available to identify all viruses that have been found to cause a problem in any genus and use PCI testing of our mother material before initiation into tissue culture for all those pathogens. That means we are certain that every plant that originates from this material is of the highest possible health status. Every aphid brings with it the risk of re-infection but we make every effort to ensure you receive the very highest quality material.
Protected plants
What does EU APP or PPAF mean?
This stands for either European Plant Breeders rights or US Plant Patent Applied For. Once the EU plant breeders rights or US patent has been granted it is assigned a EU# or PP#. Propagation without a license and export outside of either the Europe or North America is prohibited for all EU applied and protected plants and all US patent-pending and patented plants respectively.All advertisements (including electronic) for patent-pending and patented plants must list the appropriate European PBR or US patent information. In addition to listing the patent information, labels for all varieties that are either EU applied or granted and US patent-pending and patented plants must also state that propagation is prohibited.
When to order
Because we only supply plant material that’s fully ready – and not past its best – for our customers to work with, we need to receive orders in sufficient time to prepare it. Our sales representatives will be happy to explain lead times for ordering various variety/material options. We appreciate demand from your customers doesn’t always match growing timetables, but there’s nothing to gain from presenting insufficiently finished products. Walter Blom Plants BV is striving to educate retailers about the link between growing time and quality. Sign up to our mailing list to receive information about this as it’s announced.