Beautiful Cotinus with stunning pink pale flower plumes. The vivid green buds are particulary eyecatching in early summer.
The leaves of this Cotinus have an eyecatching dark red colour. This makes the branches highly decorative. The plant has a bushy and upright growth habit.
This Cotinus is extremely good for providing a fabulous decorative display in the garden. With it’s attractive and extravagant pink/red flower plumes in early summer is definitely catches the eye.
This Cotinus has branches with dark red plumes of flowers. It displays its fabulous decorative plumes both early summer and late summer. If pruned, the plant will floweron every branch from the end of July until September.
large flowers, the silver blue filigree around the flower is truly amazing, as always the Eryngium alpinum types are spectacular
rich blue multiflora type flower with many small flowers in groups, strong grower
makes compact balls, with many small blue flowers on over wintered plants
large lacy ruffs around intense blue flowers, will flower freely on 1st years plants making 2 to 3 flower stems
purple blue multiflora types flowers, many small flowers held in clusters. Strong growth and free floweringms
clusters of flowers in small groups, they start green and mature to a deep purple
multiflora flower type with clusters of bright green flowers that slowly turn blue giving a harlequin effect
a pure white selection out of Blue Lagoon, it has the same excellent growing habit and vigour